Monday, January 9, 2012

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

There's nothing better than a big pot of homemade Chicken Noodle Soup on a cold day.  My favorite part of making Chicken Noodle Soup is the homemade noodles AND last year for my birthday Duane got me the pasta maker attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer.  Since we've been remodeling the kitchen for the last 7 months I had not had the opportunity to try it out...until today!   WHAT A DREAM it is...and I didn't even have to dry the noodles!  I'm so excited to use it to make homemade raviolis!

Darcee's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

4-5 stalks of celery, diced (I use the celery leaves too!)
1/2 onion, diced
4 carrots, peeled and diced

Saute the vegetables in 2 Tablespoons canola oil.  I love the smell of this's the essence of homey-ness!

8 chicken thighs
Salt and pepper
and enough water to cover chicken (3-4 quarts)

Let simmer in stock pot for 1.5-2 hours.  While chicken is simmering, make noodles!

Homemade Noodles
4 eggs
3 c. flour
dash salt
1 T. water

Follow instructions for Kitchen Aid pasta maker...but if you're doing it by hand...just mix the ingredients adding flour or water to create a firm dough.  Knead for 5 minutes and then let rest for 15 minutes.  Divide dough into 4 parts and roll each part out.  Slice into noodle shapes or use noodle cutter (this is where the pasta attachment is REALLY handy!).

Remove chicken and separate meat from skin and bones.  Add 3 cups chicken broth to chicken stock and bring broth back to boil and add noodles to it.   The noodles only need 3-5 minutes to cook.  Return chicken meat to the broth. I like to serve this hearty soup with some homemade bread and honey butter!

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