Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Peppers to Poppers!

Here's a recipe I modified from one I found on Pinterest.  These poppers were loved by even my pickiest pepper-hating hubby!  I used the Tastefully Simple products instead of messing with frying up bacon and onion...and I think they were more tasty than the original version!  Even better, they are just 1 point each if you're doing Weight Watchers!

15-18 small sweet peppers (Costco!)
8 oz. Neufchatel cream cheese 
Juice from 1 lemon
1-2 T. Bacon Bacon! (Tastefully Simple)
1 T. Fiesta Party Dip Mix (Tastefully Simple)
1/2 T. Wahoo! Chili Seasoning (Tastefully Simple)
1 T. Onion Onion! (Tastefully Simple)
3/4 c. Panko bread crumbs
2 T. melted butter

Slice the peppers in half lengthwise removing the stem and any white membrane and seeds and arrange on a cookie sheet.  

Combine the cream cheese, lemon juice and Tastefully Simple products and stir to creamy.  Fill each of the peppers with the cream cheese mixture.

Then combine the bread crumbs with the melted butter and mix well.  Dip the filled pepper halves into the cheese mixture cheese-side-down.  

Then place the peppers back on the cookie sheet, cheese-side-up.  

Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes until the crumbs are golden brown and peppers are soft.  Enjoy!

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