I hesitate to write this post in fear too many people will discover this hidden gem, but I just can't help myself! Last summer a friend shared her fabulous experience spending a week in a floating home on Lake Pend Oreille. As mentioned, I had already vowed to not let the summer go by without taking a week for the family to spend together, so the floating home sounded like the perfect place. Located in Bayview, Idaho, this little slice of heaven is ideal for its breathtaking views, recreational opportunities and good small town charm. The community of floating homes is typically very quiet and indeed, it was very quiet the first couple of days we were there. However, they are well known for their knock 'em dead fireworks display so come Saturday the little town exploded with people. People came from miles around for the festivities. One guy we met told us he had strung his hammock between two trees down the road on the advice of friends to not miss this event! Boats are docked in front of the floating homes, as well as anchored up on the lake and the rv parks are booked months ahead of time. We spent most of our days on the dock, enjoying the water and the sun. Since we had two babies under two with us, we brought along a little kiddie pool and had it on the dock as well.
The adult children dove in the {refreshing...aka cold} lake, took the paddleboat for a spin or the canoe out fishing. There wasn't much catching, but they had fun trying! The more adventurous ones scaled the 8 foot high dock post and jumped from that {quite likely their bravery resulting from a few too many brewskies}. We rented a boat for a day (this is the first summer in 18 years we've gone without a boat!) and needless to say, it was nice to see the hubby {in his happy place}. We partook in our favorite foods...steak with crab cakes, Mexican barbecue, scotcharoos, grilled homemade pizzas and fresh guacamole with chips; fought and made up like only families can do!; chatted; soaked up the sun; and generally just took a break from life...after all, isn't that what vacation is for?